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Project Log:  Saturday, March 12, 2011

With the forward water tank well-secured fore-and-aft with its new bulkheads, I finalized the installation with some pour-foam in the spaces between the tank and hull on each side.  I allowed the foam to expand slightly beyond the top of the tank; later, I'd cut off the excess.

Striving to complete work using, for the moment, only materials currently on hand, I shifted focus a bit and turned to the cabin sides in the main cabin.  Since I had a couple sheets of 1/4" cherry plywood in stock, it seemed a good time to pattern and begin some of the cherry trim in the cabin.  It made sense to get the cabin sides done early while the interior was still wide open.

The cabin sides were relatively smooth and quite flat in both directions, with only a minimal curvature fore-and aft.  This would make installation relatively easy.  To begin, I created paper patterns of both sides, using a 2" rule and/or scribe set to 2" to mark the shape on the paper, which I cut slightly smaller than the actual space.



Patterns in hand, I laid out the two pieces on a sheet of 1/4" cherry plywood and cut them out.  I left the lower edge a little long so I could trim it flush with underside of the deck later, as needed.

Because there was a slight radius where the various corners of the cabin side met the adjacent surfaces, I beveled slightly the back corners of the plywood with a block plane to allow the plywood to fit more easily, then test-fit each piece in place,  holding each temporarily with deadman braces across to the opposite side of the cabin.

While I had the plywood pressed into position, I went outside and marked the port cutout openings on the back side of the plywood.



Satisfied with the fit, I removed the two sections to the bench and cut out the port openings, leaving 1/4" - 1/2" of extra material inside the lines for later trimming with a router after installation.

I applied a coat of epoxy to the back side and raw edges of each piece for protection.

Flipping the panels over, and resting them on plastic spacers so they wouldn't stick to the bench, I applied a sealer coat of thinned varnish to the top side to protect the bare wood during installation.  I left the epoxy and varnish to cure overnight before continuing.

Total Time Today:  4.25 hours

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